Sourcing reliable Eclectus Parrot information

Sourcing reliable avian information can be a hit and miss affair because many websites provide inaccurate and misleading information.

As an aviculturist and avid avian researcher I have read countless parrot related websites. Some sites are wonderful and it is evident the person writing the information has had many years of hands on experience. However, not all sites offer accurate information and before following any advice, it pay’s to take the time to learn about the author and their level of expertise.

The internet offers a plethora of avian knowledge, passed on from people from all levels of experience. There are sites written by avian experts and aviculturists keen to share their wealth of knowledge. Some are written by pet owners who own a few of their chosen species, are passionate about their pets and enjoy sharing knowledge they have. Other authors are simply regurgitating the information they have read on other sites or books and sometimes this can lead to the spread of mis-information.

Beautiful Mia I have seen my own work on other avian websites over the years, written word for word. On one such occasion I contacted the person and requested they remove the plagiarized content. I checked back later only to find my work re-worded however the author had made so many errors while changing my copy that the advice they were giving was harmful and potentially deadly. It made me shudder to think of people following such advice, especially at the detriment to their parrot.

Before following the advice of the author, be sure the content is true and correct, especially when reading advice pertaining to avian health. The best people to source knowledge from are those who specialize in your chosen parrot and have had many years keeping, breeding, hand raising and working with companion parrots.

Reading books, keeping a few pets and regurgitating information is all well and good but when it comes right down to it, nothing beats hands on experience. Professional aviculturists work day in day out with their parrots, they are immersed in everything avian and the information they share is invaluable. Two of my favorite avian writers are both professional aviculturists. Rosemary Low who worked for Loro Parque for many years and Eb Cravens who runs his parrot business in Hawaii. Both share a wealth of knowledge that was learnt from working directly with parrots from neonates to mature birds. The information they provide was gleaned from years of research, understanding every aspect of each parrots unique needs, comparing these needs with others of the species and of course lot’s of trial and error.

I have worked extensively with Eclectus parrots for over a decade now and have learned more than I could ever have imagined. I have enjoyed the best of both worlds. I kept Eckies as companion parrots, learning the in’s and out’s of pet ownership while helping other Eckie owners from around the world. I also spent many years breeding Eckies, this opened my eyes to an entirely different aspect of this magnificent species. Taking a parrot through their many varying growth stages to become a well adjusted, fully fledged companion bird is an amazing experience; one I had time and time again.

So next time you’re surfing the internet, be sure to check the sites ‘about us’ page. You will soon learn whether you are reading information written by a professional, a hobbyist or a pet owner. When it comes to the health and wellbeing of your parrot, experience is everything and you want to be sure the person giving the advice is qualified to do so. If you are researching information for medical issues, always seek the advice of your avian vet.

Happy researching!

Eclectus careEclectus Care


Eclectus health

Health Information

Noticing and understanding slight changes in your Eckie is critical to saving their life. Our feathered kids will try to tell us they are sick and if we know what to look for, we can better understand their cues. Monitor your Eckie on a daily basis. Take note of slight changes in behaviour, eating habits, weight loss, mood changes, feather quality and droppings.

Keeping weight charts helps monitor normal weight fluctuations and alerts you to abnormal weight loss.

The basic signs of an unwell bird are as follows:

  • Fluffing up their feathers to retain body heat. Hunkering down close to the perch
  • Lethargy
  • Regurgitation – other than normal hormonal related regurgitation
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Continued sneezing (This is not always a sign of illness. Parrots may sneeze for a variety of reasons: dust, pollen, airborne irritants, change in weather, dry air or they may have a small feather irritating their nares. Ensure you monitor your Eckie closely to rule out irritants.)
  • Wet or dry encrusted mucus around the nares
  • Change in demeanour e.g. depression, aggression
  • Dirty feathers or unkempt plumage
  • Decreased vocalisation
  • Unusual droppings
  • Diarrhoea
  • Increased defecating
  • Increased thirst
  • Sudden feather picking or irritated behaviour
  • Vomiting (This is different to regurgitation-Parrots shake their heads vigorously when vomiting and food will often be found on the top of their head.)
  • Inability to perch including hunkering down on the bottom of the cage
  • Tail bobbing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Open mouth breathing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Dizziness – unable to stand up, unable to walk or fly
  • Head tilting abnormally
  • Seizures

If your Eckie is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, please seek veterinary assistance immediately. Don’t wait to see how they go. Parrots have lost their lives unnecessarily because people wait to see if the illness will get worse. Many illnesses can be overcome if detected and treated in the very early stages.

Eclectus care
We are dedicated to helping owners understand the importance of avian health. Our book ‘The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots’ contains extensive information about Eclectus health, emergency care and how to keep your Eckie healthy and safe in the home.

This chapter includes information on:

  • Household dangers
  • Weight checks
  • The Eclectus moult
  • The importance of flight
  • The importance of worming
  • Nail trimming
  • Eckie safe plants
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Emergency care
  • And many more topics!

To purchase our book click on the icon below!

Download on the iBookstoreWeb Eclectus book

Eclectus Care

The perfect Christmas gift for Eclectus lovers!

Eclectus careThe Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots is the first comprehensive iBook dedicated to assisting companion Eclectus owners care for their parrot. With over 380 pages of content, 245 full color photos, 14 videos and 40 illustrations; this book sets itself apart from any Eclectus book on the market.

Penned by an Eclectus specialist and self confessed parrot addict, the Author writes in a friendly, easy to read manner. She provides information and advice based on over a decade of experience keeping and breeding companion Eclectus parrots.

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots content guide:

About Eclectus

  • Introduction
  • Eckies in the wild
  • The Miracle of life
  • Battle of the sexes

Choosing your Eclectus

  • Choosing the right breeder
  • The importance of follow up service
  • Vet checks
  • The dangers of buying an unweaned bird

Caring for your Eclectus

  • Cage size and setup
  • Bringing your new Eckie home
  • Bonding
  • The blinking game
  • Establishing a routine
  • Baby calls and noise factor

The Eclectus diet

  • Dietary needs
  • Sprouted seed
  • Egg and biscuit
  • Recipes

Eclectus health

  • The Eclectus molt
  • Born to fly
  • Poop’ology
  • Weight checks
  • The importance of worming
  • Nail trimming
  • Stress bars and feather barring
  • Mising toes
  • Eckie safe plants


  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Household dangers
  • Abuse and neglect – there is no excuse

Emergency care

  • First aid kit
  • Emergency care
  • Crop impaction/stasis

Eclectus Behavior

  • Eckie body language
  • Eye pinning
  • Ghost chasing
  • Bad dreams
  • Freeze!
  • Eyes wide open
  • Zombie kids


  • Showering with your parrot
  • Harness training
  • Recall training
  • Teaching your Eckie to talk

Eclectus Challenges

  • Hormonal Eckies
  • Introducing a second Eckie
  • What to do if your parrot escapes


  • It’s time to play
  • DIY toys
  • Final word

Eclectus care

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