Choosing an Eclectus

Do male Eclectus make better pets than the females?

Female eclectus parrots DO make wonderful pets






There is nothing worse than being judged by others, especially when your reputation has been unjustly tarnished. Somehow, gorgeous Eckie hens everywhere have been labeled the problem children of the avian world. The Internet is rife with stories of hens being moody, temperamental, even labeled, ‘not pet material’. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Eclectus hens do make fantastic pets. In fact, we have two gorgeous Eckie hens that rule our home. Mia and Moto are the most wonderful companion parrots you could ever wish for. They are incredibly smart and affectionate, both have an amazing vocabulary-which they use in context-and their antics have us in constant stitches. We love our girls and believe hens make amazing companion parrots.

A healthy female Eclectus Parrot

Are they both affectionate?

As juveniles our males tend to be a little cuddlier whereas our hens are a slightly more independent, although this varies from parrot to parrot. Our hens are usually the first to want their snuggle time, but they want it ‘their way’ and are quick to tell you if you’re not doing it exactly right. While the males are happy to sit and relax on the couch with Mum and Dad, play with their toys or have some preening time, the hens will be in mental overdrive. Having already mastered their puzzle toys, they spend time observing and taking in everything around them, assessing their environment and looking for different ways to get up to mischief. The hens love to break the rules and have some fun.

More snuggle time with Mumma

Do both genders talk?

Without a doubt. Both the male and females are incredible talkers. When we are in the aviary, I can barely hear myself think, let alone hold a conversation with Jason. Talking comes naturally to our feathered kids and if they are treated as an important member of the family they will want to communicate with their flock. This may be in the form of talking, whistling or chortling. Not all parrots talk and this is their choice. It doesn’t make them any less of a companion bird; it just means we can enjoy their beautiful natural calls and chatters.

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots
This is a short excerpt from our book The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots’. This chapter explains the differences between the male and female Eclectus parrot. It helps soon-to-be Eckie owners make an informed decision.Also included in this book:

  • Choosing the right breeder
  • The vet check
  • Establishing a routine
  • Baby calls and noise factor
  • Dietary needs
  • Settling your Eckie into their new home
  • Establishing a routine
  • Emergency care
  • And many, many more topics!

To purchase our book click on the icon below!

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Eclectus health

Health Information

Noticing and understanding slight changes in your Eckie is critical to saving their life. Our feathered kids will try to tell us they are sick and if we know what to look for, we can better understand their cues. Monitor your Eckie on a daily basis. Take note of slight changes in behaviour, eating habits, weight loss, mood changes, feather quality and droppings.

Keeping weight charts helps monitor normal weight fluctuations and alerts you to abnormal weight loss.

The basic signs of an unwell bird are as follows:

  • Fluffing up their feathers to retain body heat. Hunkering down close to the perch
  • Lethargy
  • Regurgitation – other than normal hormonal related regurgitation
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Continued sneezing (This is not always a sign of illness. Parrots may sneeze for a variety of reasons: dust, pollen, airborne irritants, change in weather, dry air or they may have a small feather irritating their nares. Ensure you monitor your Eckie closely to rule out irritants.)
  • Wet or dry encrusted mucus around the nares
  • Change in demeanour e.g. depression, aggression
  • Dirty feathers or unkempt plumage
  • Decreased vocalisation
  • Unusual droppings
  • Diarrhoea
  • Increased defecating
  • Increased thirst
  • Sudden feather picking or irritated behaviour
  • Vomiting (This is different to regurgitation-Parrots shake their heads vigorously when vomiting and food will often be found on the top of their head.)
  • Inability to perch including hunkering down on the bottom of the cage
  • Tail bobbing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Open mouth breathing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Dizziness – unable to stand up, unable to walk or fly
  • Head tilting abnormally
  • Seizures

If your Eckie is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, please seek veterinary assistance immediately. Don’t wait to see how they go. Parrots have lost their lives unnecessarily because people wait to see if the illness will get worse. Many illnesses can be overcome if detected and treated in the very early stages.

Eclectus care
We are dedicated to helping owners understand the importance of avian health. Our book ‘The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots’ contains extensive information about Eclectus health, emergency care and how to keep your Eckie healthy and safe in the home.

This chapter includes information on:

  • Household dangers
  • Weight checks
  • The Eclectus moult
  • The importance of flight
  • The importance of worming
  • Nail trimming
  • Eckie safe plants
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Emergency care
  • And many more topics!

To purchase our book click on the icon below!

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Eclectus molting information

 Care for your Eclectus during their molt

Kirsten 068

After shivering through the cold winter months, Summer is finally here. It is a time for sunshine, weekend barbecues and relaxing by the pool. It is also the time when our Eckies begin to molt.

Parrot Haven is home to 25 Eckies and one precocious yet very special African Grey parrot and at the moment, all our feathered kids are molting. Our place is decorated with scatterings of feather casings, white fluffy down and the odd primary or two. The aviary is a variable smorgasbord of feathers, from tiny petite head feathers to beautiful tail plumage.

This happens twice year at Parrot Haven however the pre Christmas molt is always the heaviest. Molting can certainly take it’s toll on our parrots. I can only imagine how irritating it must be walking around like a pin cushion, as hundreds of new feathers erupt through the skin.

As parrot slaves, we must understand that molting affects our kids moods, dietary needs, appetite and even sleep patterns. It certainly takes a toll on our kids bodies and we must do all we can to ease our kids through this time.

What is molting?

Molting is a process where old feathers fall out and are replaced by new ones. Feathers are made from a protein called keratin, just like our hair and fingernails. Unlike skin, keratin is unable to repair itself. If a feather is damaged or frayed, it will remain that way until the parrot molts.

The importance of protein

When a parrot molts, protein is taken from the Eckie’s body. If a parrot is not provided with protein rich foods to supplement this output, their body will be depleted.

An Eckie suffering from protein deficiency will be tired, lethargic and irritable. It will prolong their molt and the newly molted feathers will look dull, lacking their trademark glossiness.

It is very important to feed your Eckie foods which are high in protein, such as:

  • Cooked meat and chicken
  • Boiled eggs (cooked right the way through)
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas)
  • Lentils and pulses
  • Chia
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet corn

Change in appetite

Molting affects our Eckies’ appetites. Some kids become ravenous eating machines, while others become very fussy eaters, craving certain foods and rejecting others. Monitor your Eckie’s appetite carefully when molting, and take note of specific foods they crave. Our feathered kids listen to their bodies, and will source foods that will help ease them through molting.


Molting can make the demurest of Eckies cranky and short tempered. Their body is working in overdrive to produce hundreds of pin feathers and many become irritable. Please, do not take this personally as many people have experienced this with their feathered kids.

My hen, Red, is terribly short tempered while molting. I know there is very little room for error and if I mis-read her body language, I will receive a nasty bite. As much as this hurts, I don’t take this personally. I know that once she has finished molting, she will return to her sweet self.

Everyone copes with their Eckie’s moods differently. Some ignore cranky behavior, leaving their kid alone until they are in a better frame of mind. Others distract their Eckie by offering a new toy or food treats.

Some Eckies become little sooks. They seek the love and comfort of their owner and demand cuddles and affection. This too is normal. Some of our hens seek extra cuddles while molting. Once they have molted their neediness reduces and their moods return to normal.

Aloe spritzes

Aloe spritzes help moisturize the skin, keeping it soft and supple. This allows the developing pinfeathers to break through the skin more easily. It is simple and cheap to make.

We buy 100% pure aloe gel from our local health food store. We then put 1 tablespoon of aloe into a spray bottle and fill it with a cup of warm water. Our kids love being misted by the warm, moisturizing water, and the aloe gives their feathers a spectacular sheen.

Some people choose to use a pre-mixed aloe drink. Please ensure there are no additives before using this.

Sleepy time kids

Molting takes its toll on our kids’ small bodies. It takes a lot of energy to grow hundreds of feathers, and our Eckies become tired and lethargic. Your Eckie’s sleep routine may change around molting time.  Many will take long catnaps during the day. Others will want to go to bed earlier, or sleep in. They need this extra sleep; it helps the body recuperate, so when playtime rolls around, they are re-energized and ready for fun.

Lots of extra love

Molting is a stressful time for our feathered kids. They feel itchy and out of sorts. Some kids become despondent when they molt. They know they look scruffy and it really upsets them. They are such sensitive little souls.

As devoted Eckie parents, we want to do everything we can to help our kids through this difficult time. So let’s give our molting kids an extra special treat to show them how much we care. It will make your Eckie feel very special.

For more information about the Eclectus Diet please visit our website

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots contains 380+ pages of content dedicated to assisting owners care for their Eclectus.

It contains chapters on The Eclectus molt, diet, training, emergency care, bonding and much, much more

.Eclectus care

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Eclectus Care

The perfect Christmas gift for Eclectus lovers!

Eclectus careThe Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots is the first comprehensive iBook dedicated to assisting companion Eclectus owners care for their parrot. With over 380 pages of content, 245 full color photos, 14 videos and 40 illustrations; this book sets itself apart from any Eclectus book on the market.

Penned by an Eclectus specialist and self confessed parrot addict, the Author writes in a friendly, easy to read manner. She provides information and advice based on over a decade of experience keeping and breeding companion Eclectus parrots.

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots content guide:

About Eclectus

  • Introduction
  • Eckies in the wild
  • The Miracle of life
  • Battle of the sexes

Choosing your Eclectus

  • Choosing the right breeder
  • The importance of follow up service
  • Vet checks
  • The dangers of buying an unweaned bird

Caring for your Eclectus

  • Cage size and setup
  • Bringing your new Eckie home
  • Bonding
  • The blinking game
  • Establishing a routine
  • Baby calls and noise factor

The Eclectus diet

  • Dietary needs
  • Sprouted seed
  • Egg and biscuit
  • Recipes

Eclectus health

  • The Eclectus molt
  • Born to fly
  • Poop’ology
  • Weight checks
  • The importance of worming
  • Nail trimming
  • Stress bars and feather barring
  • Mising toes
  • Eckie safe plants


  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Household dangers
  • Abuse and neglect – there is no excuse

Emergency care

  • First aid kit
  • Emergency care
  • Crop impaction/stasis

Eclectus Behavior

  • Eckie body language
  • Eye pinning
  • Ghost chasing
  • Bad dreams
  • Freeze!
  • Eyes wide open
  • Zombie kids


  • Showering with your parrot
  • Harness training
  • Recall training
  • Teaching your Eckie to talk

Eclectus Challenges

  • Hormonal Eckies
  • Introducing a second Eckie
  • What to do if your parrot escapes


  • It’s time to play
  • DIY toys
  • Final word

Eclectus care

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Eclectus Parrot Book – New Release

Eclectus Parrot Book

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots is currently the largest and most comprehensive companion Eclectus non-fiction iBook. Kirsten Badham is  a parrot lover and Eclectus specialist. She has spent over a decade breeding and working with companion Eclectus.

The iBook provides detailed information and teaches owners how to confidently care for their parrot.  Whether you are buying your first Eclectus, or have owned one for many years, there is always something new to learn. Filled with real life examples and amusing anecdotes, it gives insight into life through your parrot’s eyes.

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388 pages in length, 245 full color photos, 40 Illustrations and 14 HD quality videos

Chapters included in this book:

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