Choosing an Eclectus

Do male Eclectus make better pets than the females?

Female eclectus parrots DO make wonderful pets






There is nothing worse than being judged by others, especially when your reputation has been unjustly tarnished. Somehow, gorgeous Eckie hens everywhere have been labeled the problem children of the avian world. The Internet is rife with stories of hens being moody, temperamental, even labeled, ‘not pet material’. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Eclectus hens do make fantastic pets. In fact, we have two gorgeous Eckie hens that rule our home. Mia and Moto are the most wonderful companion parrots you could ever wish for. They are incredibly smart and affectionate, both have an amazing vocabulary-which they use in context-and their antics have us in constant stitches. We love our girls and believe hens make amazing companion parrots.

A healthy female Eclectus Parrot

Are they both affectionate?

As juveniles our males tend to be a little cuddlier whereas our hens are a slightly more independent, although this varies from parrot to parrot. Our hens are usually the first to want their snuggle time, but they want it ‘their way’ and are quick to tell you if you’re not doing it exactly right. While the males are happy to sit and relax on the couch with Mum and Dad, play with their toys or have some preening time, the hens will be in mental overdrive. Having already mastered their puzzle toys, they spend time observing and taking in everything around them, assessing their environment and looking for different ways to get up to mischief. The hens love to break the rules and have some fun.

More snuggle time with Mumma

Do both genders talk?

Without a doubt. Both the male and females are incredible talkers. When we are in the aviary, I can barely hear myself think, let alone hold a conversation with Jason. Talking comes naturally to our feathered kids and if they are treated as an important member of the family they will want to communicate with their flock. This may be in the form of talking, whistling or chortling. Not all parrots talk and this is their choice. It doesn’t make them any less of a companion bird; it just means we can enjoy their beautiful natural calls and chatters.

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots
This is a short excerpt from our book The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots’. This chapter explains the differences between the male and female Eclectus parrot. It helps soon-to-be Eckie owners make an informed decision.Also included in this book:

  • Choosing the right breeder
  • The vet check
  • Establishing a routine
  • Baby calls and noise factor
  • Dietary needs
  • Settling your Eckie into their new home
  • Establishing a routine
  • Emergency care
  • And many, many more topics!

To purchase our book click on the icon below!

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Eclectus health

Health Information

Noticing and understanding slight changes in your Eckie is critical to saving their life. Our feathered kids will try to tell us they are sick and if we know what to look for, we can better understand their cues. Monitor your Eckie on a daily basis. Take note of slight changes in behaviour, eating habits, weight loss, mood changes, feather quality and droppings.

Keeping weight charts helps monitor normal weight fluctuations and alerts you to abnormal weight loss.

The basic signs of an unwell bird are as follows:

  • Fluffing up their feathers to retain body heat. Hunkering down close to the perch
  • Lethargy
  • Regurgitation – other than normal hormonal related regurgitation
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Continued sneezing (This is not always a sign of illness. Parrots may sneeze for a variety of reasons: dust, pollen, airborne irritants, change in weather, dry air or they may have a small feather irritating their nares. Ensure you monitor your Eckie closely to rule out irritants.)
  • Wet or dry encrusted mucus around the nares
  • Change in demeanour e.g. depression, aggression
  • Dirty feathers or unkempt plumage
  • Decreased vocalisation
  • Unusual droppings
  • Diarrhoea
  • Increased defecating
  • Increased thirst
  • Sudden feather picking or irritated behaviour
  • Vomiting (This is different to regurgitation-Parrots shake their heads vigorously when vomiting and food will often be found on the top of their head.)
  • Inability to perch including hunkering down on the bottom of the cage
  • Tail bobbing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Open mouth breathing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Dizziness – unable to stand up, unable to walk or fly
  • Head tilting abnormally
  • Seizures

If your Eckie is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, please seek veterinary assistance immediately. Don’t wait to see how they go. Parrots have lost their lives unnecessarily because people wait to see if the illness will get worse. Many illnesses can be overcome if detected and treated in the very early stages.

Eclectus care
We are dedicated to helping owners understand the importance of avian health. Our book ‘The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots’ contains extensive information about Eclectus health, emergency care and how to keep your Eckie healthy and safe in the home.

This chapter includes information on:

  • Household dangers
  • Weight checks
  • The Eclectus moult
  • The importance of flight
  • The importance of worming
  • Nail trimming
  • Eckie safe plants
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Emergency care
  • And many more topics!

To purchase our book click on the icon below!

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Eclectus Diet

Eclectus Diet

Eclectus Diet

Eckies love fruit and quite literally can’t get enough of it. Some prefer vegetables but I know all of ours choose fruits over their veggies any day. Parrots like their fruit ripe, but not overly ripe to the point of being spoilt. Never give your parrot ‘seconds’ from produce stores or farmers markets. Always buy your Eckie human grade fruit, which you yourself would be happy to eat. Ensure that you thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables to remove potential pesticides or harmful chemicals.

We provide each Eclectus with stainless steel bowls 12.5 cm wide and 6 cm deep. This is filled to the brim with fresh fruit and vegetables every day and it always polished off come nightfall.

We feed our own Eckies the following food ratios

  • 60% of their diet is made up of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • 20% sprouted seed/legumes/pulses
  • The remaining 20% constitutes their hot meal

Always ensure you feed your Eckie more vegetables than fruit. Fruit is high in sugar and if consumed in too larger quantities can lead to unwanted weight gain. We always feed our kids 2/3 vegetables to 1/3 fruit.

Your Eckie’s appetite will fluctuate throughout the year. moulting, the onset of winter, growth phases and even hormonal changes will increase your Eckies appetite. I know our feathered kids eat us out of house and home when they are moulting. It is quite normal for juvenile Eckies to eat like teenage boys until they are approximately 8 months old. Their appetite starts to settle down after this time. Our clients are often amazed at just how much their new babies can consume.


When a parrot moults, old feathers fall out and are replaced with new ones. It takes a large amount of energy for parrots to produce pinfeathers, especially if they are heavy moulters. Feathers are made from keratin which is a protein. If a parrot is not provided with protein rich foods to supplement this output, their body will be depleted.

Moulting can make our feathered kids cranky and moody and who can blame them. I would be pretty grumpy if I had pinfeathers sprouting from every direction. From my experience, increasing protein levels in our parrots’ diet helps overcome crankiness and eases them through this uncomfortable time.

The following foods are high in protein

  • Cooked meat and chicken
  • Boiled eggs (cooked right the way through)
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas)
  • Lentils and pulses
  • Chia
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet corn

At Parrot Haven, we have our own special moulting diet. We feed our moulting kids a cooked meal 3 times a week


Paw Paw helps restore the natural flora in the bird’s crop and gut.

Sweet corn is used when a bird has been sick and lost condition. It helps to put weight on a sick or underweight parrot.

The following should NEVER be fed to your Parrot

  • Avocado, both flesh and seed contains toxins deadly to birds
  • Rhubarb
  • Apple seeds
  • Seeds from stone fruit
  • Lettuce, has little nutritional value and can cause diarrhoea and lead to dehydration
  • Onions
  • Any raw meat
  • Garlic
  • Cheese, can cause crop impaction
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Soft drinks
  • Milk or dairy products, some birds are lactose intolerant and can also lead to crop impaction
  • Fatty foods or takeaway, e.g. Chinese food, beware of additives such as MSG, preservatives and un-natural flavours
  • Alcohol

Parrot safe foods

  • Apple
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Blackberry
  • Blackcurrant
  • Blueberry
  • Currant
  • Cherry
  • Coconut
  • Date
  • Dragonfruit
  • Fig
  • Gooseberry
  • Grape
  • Grapefruit
  • Guava
  • Huckleberry
  • Honeydew
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Lychee
  • Mandarin
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Honeydew
  • Watermelon
  • Rock melon
  • Nectarine
  • Orange
  • Paw Paw
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Plum/prune (dried plum)
  • Pineapple
  • Pomegranate
  • Purple Mangosteen
  • Raspberry
  • Rambutan
  • Redcurrant
  • Star fruit
  • Strawberry
  • Tangerine
  • Tomato (fruit only not the leaves or stem)
  • Watermelon-see melon
  • Pumpkin
  • Celery
  • Zucchini
  • Beans
  • Carrots
  • Red chilies (parrots don’t have capsaicin receptors. This means they do not feel heat from chilies)
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potato (raw or cooked)
  • Sweet corn
  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Cauliflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Asian vegetables
  • Snow peas
  • Asparagus
  • Berlotti beans
  • Black-eyed peas
  • Broad beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Common bean
  • Garbanzo
  • Green bean
  • Lentil
  • Lima bean
  • Mung bean
  • Navy beans
  • Peas
  • Peanut
  • Pinto beans
  • Runner bean – Raw
  • Span peas
  • Snow peas – Raw
  • Amaranth – raw or cooked
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprout
  • Celery
  • Ceylon spinach
  • Collards
  • Dandelion
  • Endive
  • Garden rocket
  • Kale
  • Lettuce
  • Pak Choy
  • Pea sprouts/leaves
  • Sorrel
  • Spinach
  • Watercress
  • Wheatgrass


Eclectus molting information

 Care for your Eclectus during their molt

Kirsten 068

After shivering through the cold winter months, Summer is finally here. It is a time for sunshine, weekend barbecues and relaxing by the pool. It is also the time when our Eckies begin to molt.

Parrot Haven is home to 25 Eckies and one precocious yet very special African Grey parrot and at the moment, all our feathered kids are molting. Our place is decorated with scatterings of feather casings, white fluffy down and the odd primary or two. The aviary is a variable smorgasbord of feathers, from tiny petite head feathers to beautiful tail plumage.

This happens twice year at Parrot Haven however the pre Christmas molt is always the heaviest. Molting can certainly take it’s toll on our parrots. I can only imagine how irritating it must be walking around like a pin cushion, as hundreds of new feathers erupt through the skin.

As parrot slaves, we must understand that molting affects our kids moods, dietary needs, appetite and even sleep patterns. It certainly takes a toll on our kids bodies and we must do all we can to ease our kids through this time.

What is molting?

Molting is a process where old feathers fall out and are replaced by new ones. Feathers are made from a protein called keratin, just like our hair and fingernails. Unlike skin, keratin is unable to repair itself. If a feather is damaged or frayed, it will remain that way until the parrot molts.

The importance of protein

When a parrot molts, protein is taken from the Eckie’s body. If a parrot is not provided with protein rich foods to supplement this output, their body will be depleted.

An Eckie suffering from protein deficiency will be tired, lethargic and irritable. It will prolong their molt and the newly molted feathers will look dull, lacking their trademark glossiness.

It is very important to feed your Eckie foods which are high in protein, such as:

  • Cooked meat and chicken
  • Boiled eggs (cooked right the way through)
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas)
  • Lentils and pulses
  • Chia
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet corn

Change in appetite

Molting affects our Eckies’ appetites. Some kids become ravenous eating machines, while others become very fussy eaters, craving certain foods and rejecting others. Monitor your Eckie’s appetite carefully when molting, and take note of specific foods they crave. Our feathered kids listen to their bodies, and will source foods that will help ease them through molting.


Molting can make the demurest of Eckies cranky and short tempered. Their body is working in overdrive to produce hundreds of pin feathers and many become irritable. Please, do not take this personally as many people have experienced this with their feathered kids.

My hen, Red, is terribly short tempered while molting. I know there is very little room for error and if I mis-read her body language, I will receive a nasty bite. As much as this hurts, I don’t take this personally. I know that once she has finished molting, she will return to her sweet self.

Everyone copes with their Eckie’s moods differently. Some ignore cranky behavior, leaving their kid alone until they are in a better frame of mind. Others distract their Eckie by offering a new toy or food treats.

Some Eckies become little sooks. They seek the love and comfort of their owner and demand cuddles and affection. This too is normal. Some of our hens seek extra cuddles while molting. Once they have molted their neediness reduces and their moods return to normal.

Aloe spritzes

Aloe spritzes help moisturize the skin, keeping it soft and supple. This allows the developing pinfeathers to break through the skin more easily. It is simple and cheap to make.

We buy 100% pure aloe gel from our local health food store. We then put 1 tablespoon of aloe into a spray bottle and fill it with a cup of warm water. Our kids love being misted by the warm, moisturizing water, and the aloe gives their feathers a spectacular sheen.

Some people choose to use a pre-mixed aloe drink. Please ensure there are no additives before using this.

Sleepy time kids

Molting takes its toll on our kids’ small bodies. It takes a lot of energy to grow hundreds of feathers, and our Eckies become tired and lethargic. Your Eckie’s sleep routine may change around molting time.  Many will take long catnaps during the day. Others will want to go to bed earlier, or sleep in. They need this extra sleep; it helps the body recuperate, so when playtime rolls around, they are re-energized and ready for fun.

Lots of extra love

Molting is a stressful time for our feathered kids. They feel itchy and out of sorts. Some kids become despondent when they molt. They know they look scruffy and it really upsets them. They are such sensitive little souls.

As devoted Eckie parents, we want to do everything we can to help our kids through this difficult time. So let’s give our molting kids an extra special treat to show them how much we care. It will make your Eckie feel very special.

For more information about the Eclectus Diet please visit our website

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots contains 380+ pages of content dedicated to assisting owners care for their Eclectus.

It contains chapters on The Eclectus molt, diet, training, emergency care, bonding and much, much more

.Eclectus care

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Eclectus Parrots: Understanding their behavioral traits and temperament

After recently publishing my first book, I decided to take a little time out to write  articles for avian magazines. My first article is now available in the Parrots Magazine and can be found in newsagents and Barnes and Noble stores worldwide.

Our Eckie hen, Tessa, graces the cover of this edition and we think she looks absolutely stunning. We hope you enjoy this article.

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Author blog

It has been an exciting week at Parrot Haven. Our book, The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots, hit the iBook store, we launched our new Eclectus Book website and we have a brand new Author blog. Yes, we have been very busy!

The Author blog enables us to stay in touch with our readers, provide updates for upcoming books and share a little more information about the life here at Parrot Haven™.

I hope you like the new site as much as we do!

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Eclectus Parrot Book – New Release

Introducing an Eclectus book unlike any other. . .

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots is the first iBook dedicated to assisting companion Eclectus owners. With over 380 pages of content,  245 full color photos, 14 videos and 40 illustrations; this book sets itself apart from any Eclectus book on the market

Penned by an Eclectus specialist and self confessed parrot addict,  the Author writes in a friendly, easy to read manner. She provides information and advice based on over a decades experience keeping and breeding companion Eclectus parrots.

Take a sneak peek at one of the videos included in the book. It shows the Author and designer interacting with their breeding Eclectus.

Playing With Our Aviary Kids from Parrot Haven on Vimeo.

Eclectus Book


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Introducing a second Eclectus parrot

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots

Introducing a second Eclectus parrot to the family

Eclectus are incredibly addictive. As a self-confessed Eckie-a-holic I know all too well the power these gorgeous birds can have over you. It’s almost impossible to stop at one Eckie. Take me for example. What started out as a pair of pet Eclectus parrots has now grown to 25 green and red-feathered kids, not to mention all the babies born here at Parrot Haven. Many of my clients can attest to this as they inevitably succumb to the Eckie addiction.

Will they still love me?

This is always the first question I’m asked when people consider adding a second Eckie to their family. It’s a valid concern as many other species of parrots pair bond strongly sometimes to the point of excluding their beloved owner. This certainly doesn’t apply to Eckies. The bond you share with your feathered friend is special and unique. This will continue to develop and flourish over the years even if you do add a second Eckie to your family. Like every good relationship you need to invest time and love into it. However the bond that you share doesn’t need to change, it will just evolve to incorporate two gorgeous kids.

Double the trouble and twice the fun

Many of our clients are proud parents of two Eckies and our Parrot Chatter forum is filled with stories about how owning a pair really is twice the fun. Naturally, it takes time for the two parrots to get to know each other. There is often a settling in process, but being flock birds, we’ve found Eckies will take the introduction of a new companion in their stride. Eckies love companionship and you’ll have peace-of-mind knowing they have a friend to keep them company when you aren’t home.
It’s in their genes
In the wild, Eclectus are social birds. They live in small flocks consisting of siblings and extended family. Eckies stay within the family group until he or she reaches sexual maturity, only leaving to find his or her mate. This natural flocking instinct helps owners in a captive setting for Eckies naturally desire companionship. Because of this, they will more readily adapt to a multi-parrot environment. However, before you rush out and buy your second Eckie, there are a great many things to take into consideration.

The bond you share with your first Eckie is vital

The last thing you want to do is bring home a second Eckie before you have properly bonded with your first. Even though Eclectus parrots adapt well to a companion, you are likely to run into difficulties from time-to-time. This will only be exacerbated if you haven’t formed a solid bond with your first parrot. Over the years, several of our clients were so besotted with their feathered friend that they wanted to buy a second kid almost immediately. This concerned me because their first Eckie had just settled in. They were still getting to know each other and bonding was in its early stages. Adding a second Eckie too early will only delay the bonding process. You shouldn’t rush into adding a second Eckie into your family until you have bonded with your first. We advise our clients to wait 6-8 months before they consider buying their second Eckie. This enables them to bond with their first Eckie and learn their personality. Understanding your first Eckie’s personality will assist you when it comes time to choose your second kid.

This is a small excerpt from our book: The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots. This chapter provides step by step instructions on how to introduce a second Eclectus. Our technique has been used by many Eclectus owners and it works!

Eclectus Parrot Book

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Included in this chapter

* Will they still love me
* Twice the mess?
* Double trouble and twice the fun
* It’s in their genes
* The bond you share with your first Eckie is vital
* Finding the perfect match
* Buying an unrelated pair
* Pairing two Eckies from different breeders
* Younger Eclectus
* Mature Eclectus
* Taking on an Eckie with an abusive past
* Finding a companion for a disabled Eckie
* Choosing the gender
* Introducing a different species
* Size difference
* Vocalization
* Cage setup
* Perches, toys, food bowls
* Cage placement
* First introductions
* Preventing the green eyed monster
* Slow introductions
* Out of cage time for your new kid
* Out of cage time together
* For those in a multi parent home
* Single parents
* Misplaced aggression
* Toe biting and eye fascination
* Let your kids set the pace
* It will happen


Bringing your new Eckie home

Bringing your new Eckie home

The long awaited day is finally drawing near. Soon it will be time to bring your new Eckie home. Our clients tell us they feel both elated and nervous. Some have waited a very long time for their new addition and are almost bursting with excitement and anticipation. Whether you are purchasing a baby or adopting an older Eckie, you want to make a good first impression and ensure you start your relationship off on the right foot.

Saying goodbye to everything they know

The most important thing to remember when you bring your Eckie home is that they may be very scared. They have left the comfort of their home and many are meeting their new family for the very first time. Some Eckies are lucky enough to live close to their new human flock, while others must travel great distances. Either way, it’s new, it’s scary, their carer or old family is nowhere to be found, their siblings are gone and they are all alone.

They have no way to communicate effectively and no one understands what they are saying. Some Eckies come from breeders or owners who understand their body language and know exactly what they want. They can communicate easily and know their every need will be met. They lived an idyllic life filled with love, friendship and routine. Now it is gone and they don’t know how to cope. They are pining for their family, breeder and siblings and are don’t understand why life has changed. I liken this transition to a young child being left alone in a foreign country. They don’t know anyone, their parents are gone and they can’t speak the language. The child would be terrified and our feathered kids are no different.

First impressions count

This may sound clichéd, but it’s true. First impressions are lasting and you want your Eckie to know that you’re someone they can trust. This is why it is so important to follow a few simple rules to help pave the way for a fantastic relationship.

The first week is going to be the hardest for both owner and Eckie. The owner wants nothing more than to snuggle their new kid and shower them with love, toys and all the goodies they have bought. The Eckie is overwhelmed by the change—their world has been turned upside down and they have no idea what to do, where they are or who to trust.

It is up to us as loving parents to put our own desires aside and do all we can to show our kids that we can be trusted and their forever home is going to be filled with love and happiness. To assist with this, we can prepare our family and friends for the new arrival so everyone understands what they must do during the settling-in period.

This is a short excerpt from our book: The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots. This chapter explains how to settle your Eckie into their new home. This is a critical time for both Eckie and owner. Follow our technique and you will be setting yourself up for success.

Included in this chapter:

  • Keeping the children happy
  • Selecting a primary carer
  • Local pick-up
  • Travel cages
  • Preparing your Eckie’s travel cage
  • Eckie Eve
  • The big day
  • Airport pickup
  • Using your Eckies name
  • The drive home
  • Home at last
  • Why won’t they eat?
  • Feathered extroverts
  • Kick back and relax
  • This is what we advise our clients to do
  • Don’t create a rod for your back
  • The all important routine
  • Tough nuts to crack
  • Please show your Eckie the respect they deserve
  • Your hard work will be rewarded

Eclectus Parrot Book

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