Eclectus Parrots – The importance of a winter diet

Looking outside this morning I was struck by the beauty of the season change as it seemed only yesterday we were celebrating our warm Aussie Christmas. In the southern areas of Australia, Autumn is in full swing. The leaves blanket the ground in a sea of red, gold and yellow and the garden is a vast array of color. Our trees signal a time for change not only in weather but also in our parrots diet as we ready them for the cold months ahead.

Australia’s climate is varying and in the northern states winter comes and goes relatively un-noticed. My Eclectus parrots and I lived in the tropics for many years before re-locating to a much colder climate. I watched year after year as our Eckies appetite remained relatively stable with the constant year round heat. They had no need to bulk up for the upcoming winter as in Far North Queensland winter is a long forgotten season. Summers are swelteringly hot and you feel like you are living in a perpetual sauna, the ‘winter’ months are less humid however daily attire remains the same, shirts, shorts and always a good amount of sunscreen.

_MG_5902My husband, Eckies and I now enjoy a winter where night time temperatures can reach zero degrees celsius for weeks on end and this could take its toll on our parrots. On cold nights we bring our feathered kids inside where they enjoy the radiating heat from our fireplace. The Eckies love this routine and watch eagerly each night as we bring out their winter night time cages and ferry each Eckie inside one by one where they snuggle up next to their mate while watching a movie before bed. However in the morning they are keen to go outside to their aviary where they greet the morning, enjoy a fly and for one crazy boy, Cletus, revel in an ice cold dip in the water bowl. It is hysterical to watch him splash around, water fly’s everywhere as he exhales little puffs of smoke from his nostrils. The grass sparkles with frost, wind blows off the snow but this little man is un-perterbed. Cletus is a lifelong member of the Polar Bear club and revels in his morning ritual.

As good parrot slaves we must begin changing our Eckies diet in the Autumn months to be sure our kids are in peak condition. Parrot owners often notice their kids appetite changing as the weather starts to cool. Our own Eckies turn into ravenous eating machines and we find ourselves filling and re-filling their food bowls up to three to four times a day. I have spent many years living in a cold climate and watched as our Eckies food preferences altered dramatically in direct correlation to the season change. They seek out high energy foods and I modify their diet in accordance to this.

Parrots need a fat reserve to help them maintain their body temperature as when our kids get cold they expend a great deal of energy trying to warm up. If a parrot is underweight then they are not going to be able to remain warm and this makes them susceptible to illness and further weight loss. It is natural for our kids to want to put on a little extra padding during this time and as good parrot owners we must let our Eckies appetite guide us.

IMG_6951Parrot Haven kids love a warm winter meal and they like to let be a part of their daily cook up. Blue, Cletus and many of our other Eckies fly to the kitchen window and tap on the glass as I bring out the pots and pans. They scrutinize every move I make as to ensure I am making the food to their liking. I like to cook a fresh meal for our kids each day if possible especially during the middle of winter.

The advice in this article is based on our current location and may differ from my old routine which is outlined in our book. In early Autumn I cook a warm meal every third day and then as the weather cools further I increase this to every second day. I watch closely and take note of how much of the meal is eaten and if there are particular foods that are favored over others. I feed the kids their cooked meal both morning and night on these days, serving it in a separate bowl so not to mix it with their day time fruit/veg and sprouted seed.

In the depths of winter I feed a hot meal every day both morning and night. They also receive a mix of warm egg and biscuit just before sundown. The kids love their egg and biscuit and jostle for the best feeding position. Being the spoilt kids they are they prefer to be spoon fed and when you have over 25 parrots, this becomes quite chaotic. However everyone always gets their fill and it is comforting to know they are going to bed with a crop full of hot, nutritious food.



We have many recipes available in our book, The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots. These will give you some great ideas for winter meals for your kids. We feed our own kids many of the foods from the following list and have a great time creating new and exciting recipes for our feathered family.

The following foods are high in protein

  • Cooked meat and chicken
  • Boiled eggs (cooked right the way through)
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas)
  • Lentils and pulses
  • Chia
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet corn

Foods such as:

  • Brown rice
  • Brown pasta
  • Lentils/legumes (cooked only)
  • Cous cous
  • Quinoa

These make a great base for your winter recipes or a quick and easy warm meal if you are running short on time. Each day I serve a small portion (1/3 of a cup approx. per bird) of nice warm food. Be sure to monitor your parrots weight by keeping a weight chart. Weigh your parrot twice a week preferably before their morning meal. This way you can track any changes and ensure they remain a healthy weight during winter. Eckies are very adept at regulating their food intake and this helps to guide us so we can better understand their dietary requirements and the portion we should feed.

Eclectus careEven if your Eckie lives in the house with you, they will still enjoy a lovely warm meal in winter. So, bust out the pots, pans and start experimenting with some winter avian treats. It’s a rewarding feelings to watch your feathered kid devour a meal you have prepared or see their little eyes light up as you bring them something new and exciting. So have some fun with it. Get creative and share your wonderful recipes with other parrot lovers.

Eckie slaves can also download our book, The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots. Our book has received many wonderful reviews, has a five star rating in the iBook store and is on the best sellers list.

Sourcing reliable Eclectus Parrot information

Sourcing reliable avian information can be a hit and miss affair because many websites provide inaccurate and misleading information.

As an aviculturist and avid avian researcher I have read countless parrot related websites. Some sites are wonderful and it is evident the person writing the information has had many years of hands on experience. However, not all sites offer accurate information and before following any advice, it pay’s to take the time to learn about the author and their level of expertise.

The internet offers a plethora of avian knowledge, passed on from people from all levels of experience. There are sites written by avian experts and aviculturists keen to share their wealth of knowledge. Some are written by pet owners who own a few of their chosen species, are passionate about their pets and enjoy sharing knowledge they have. Other authors are simply regurgitating the information they have read on other sites or books and sometimes this can lead to the spread of mis-information.

Beautiful Mia I have seen my own work on other avian websites over the years, written word for word. On one such occasion I contacted the person and requested they remove the plagiarized content. I checked back later only to find my work re-worded however the author had made so many errors while changing my copy that the advice they were giving was harmful and potentially deadly. It made me shudder to think of people following such advice, especially at the detriment to their parrot.

Before following the advice of the author, be sure the content is true and correct, especially when reading advice pertaining to avian health. The best people to source knowledge from are those who specialize in your chosen parrot and have had many years keeping, breeding, hand raising and working with companion parrots.

Reading books, keeping a few pets and regurgitating information is all well and good but when it comes right down to it, nothing beats hands on experience. Professional aviculturists work day in day out with their parrots, they are immersed in everything avian and the information they share is invaluable. Two of my favorite avian writers are both professional aviculturists. Rosemary Low who worked for Loro Parque for many years and Eb Cravens who runs his parrot business in Hawaii. Both share a wealth of knowledge that was learnt from working directly with parrots from neonates to mature birds. The information they provide was gleaned from years of research, understanding every aspect of each parrots unique needs, comparing these needs with others of the species and of course lot’s of trial and error.

I have worked extensively with Eclectus parrots for over a decade now and have learned more than I could ever have imagined. I have enjoyed the best of both worlds. I kept Eckies as companion parrots, learning the in’s and out’s of pet ownership while helping other Eckie owners from around the world. I also spent many years breeding Eckies, this opened my eyes to an entirely different aspect of this magnificent species. Taking a parrot through their many varying growth stages to become a well adjusted, fully fledged companion bird is an amazing experience; one I had time and time again.

So next time you’re surfing the internet, be sure to check the sites ‘about us’ page. You will soon learn whether you are reading information written by a professional, a hobbyist or a pet owner. When it comes to the health and wellbeing of your parrot, experience is everything and you want to be sure the person giving the advice is qualified to do so. If you are researching information for medical issues, always seek the advice of your avian vet.

Happy researching!

Eclectus careEclectus Care


Eclectus Care – Household dangers

Keep your Eclectus Parrot safe in the home

The home can be a dangerous place for our feathered kids. If there is a way for Eckies to get into trouble, they will inadvertently find it.

Household Dangers

If your parrot is housed indoors then there are many hazards you must be aware of in order to make your home a bird safe environment. Parrots have an extremely complex respiratory system, very different to that of our own, and are therefore much more susceptible to any sprays, fumes or poisons. For Example:

  • Fumes given off by an over heated or burning Teflon pan are toxic to birds and can kill them almost instantly
  • Plug in air fresheners, incense, and most household deodorisers
  • Fly sprays, hair sprays and toilet sprays
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Very clean windows, birds can’t see them and can injure themselves by crashing into them at high speed
  • Be aware of young children with birds. They must be closely supervised at all times as birds do not respond well to the stress involved in a child innocently handling a parrot too roughly
  • Ceiling fans
  • Other household pets
  • Cockroach and mice baits
  • Reclining chairs (can pose a serious risk if your Eckie is prone to exploring)
  • Boiling pots on the stove
  • Floor time (many Eckies love to roam around on the floor.  Closely supervise any floor-time to prevent your Eckie from being accidentally trodden on.
  • Toilet seats left up (this is great excuse to get the man of the house to put the lid down)
  • Lead weights in curtains (many sheer, lace, fabric and privacy curtains contain lead and will cause heavy metal poisoning if ingested)
  • Vertical or venetian blinds (parrots can become tangled in the cord or blind)
  • Office chairs (accidentally rolling back and crushing your parrot)
  • Electrical cords

Naming only a few. It is our responsibility to be vigilant at all times to ensure our parrot’s environment is a safe one for them to live in.

Teflon poisoning

Teflon poisoning is a rapid and lethal gaseous intoxication that can affect all birds. This occurs when cookware is left on the stove and overheats. Overheating causes teflon to produce a gas called Polytetrafluoroethylene. This gas is not harmful to larger animals but due to the parrots complex respiratory system, it will kill them almost instantly. Parrots suffering a severe case of PTFE poisoning may drop from their perch or display signs of respiratory distress such as open-mouth breathing or tail bobbing. You may hear the parrot breathing loudly, gasping for air and death is often inevitable. Parrot owners should avoid using teflon pans or other teflon items in the home. We use Scanpan™ cookware, however there are many safe alternatives such as stainless steel. The more we can do to keep our kids safe in the home, the better.

Household items that are toxic to parrots

  • Acetone
  • Air fresheners
  • Ammonia
  • Ant killer – syrup, granules or paste
  • Bleach/pool chemicals
  • Boric acid
  • Carpet fresheners
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Cigar smoke
  • Cleaning agents
  • Cockroach bait
  • Copper and brass cleaners
  • Deodorants
  • Detergents (if ingested)
  • Disinfectants
  • Drain cleaner
  • Epoxy glue
  • Fertilizers
  • Flea bombs
  • Fly Sprays (especially surface sprays that leave a residue)
  • Floor polish
  • Furniture polish (if ingested, parrot may walk over newly polished furniture and then preen, inadvertently ingesting the polish)
  • Gasoline
  • Glue
  • Gun cleaner
  • Gun powder
  • Hair dyes
  • Hair sprays
  • Herbicides
  • Incense
  • Insecticides
  • Kerosine
  • Lighter fluid
  • Lye
  • Matches
  • Marijuana
  • Matches
  • Metholated Spirits
  • Model glue
  • Mold – the fungal spores are inhaled by the parrot causing the respiratory disease aspergillosis.
  • Mothballs
  • Nail polish/nail polish remover
  • Nicotine – transferred to parrot via owners hands
  • Oven cleaners
  • Paint
  • Paint remover
  • Paint thinner
  • Perfumes
  • Permanent markers
  • Pesticides
  • Pine oil
  • Plug in air fresheners
  • Prescription and non prescription drugs
  • Rodent poison/baits
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Scented candles
  • Shaving lotion
  • Shoe polish
  • Silver polish
  • Snail bait
  • Spray starch
  • Suntan lotion
  • Super glue
  • Tea tree oil
  • Teflon pans (emit a toxic chemical called Polytetrafluoroethylene that will cause dyspnea or in some cases sudden death in parrots)
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • Turpentine
  • Week killers
  • Window cleaner

Eclectus health

Health Information

Noticing and understanding slight changes in your Eckie is critical to saving their life. Our feathered kids will try to tell us they are sick and if we know what to look for, we can better understand their cues. Monitor your Eckie on a daily basis. Take note of slight changes in behaviour, eating habits, weight loss, mood changes, feather quality and droppings.

Keeping weight charts helps monitor normal weight fluctuations and alerts you to abnormal weight loss.

The basic signs of an unwell bird are as follows:

  • Fluffing up their feathers to retain body heat. Hunkering down close to the perch
  • Lethargy
  • Regurgitation – other than normal hormonal related regurgitation
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Continued sneezing (This is not always a sign of illness. Parrots may sneeze for a variety of reasons: dust, pollen, airborne irritants, change in weather, dry air or they may have a small feather irritating their nares. Ensure you monitor your Eckie closely to rule out irritants.)
  • Wet or dry encrusted mucus around the nares
  • Change in demeanour e.g. depression, aggression
  • Dirty feathers or unkempt plumage
  • Decreased vocalisation
  • Unusual droppings
  • Diarrhoea
  • Increased defecating
  • Increased thirst
  • Sudden feather picking or irritated behaviour
  • Vomiting (This is different to regurgitation-Parrots shake their heads vigorously when vomiting and food will often be found on the top of their head.)
  • Inability to perch including hunkering down on the bottom of the cage
  • Tail bobbing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Open mouth breathing – can indicate respiratory infection and serious illness
  • Dizziness – unable to stand up, unable to walk or fly
  • Head tilting abnormally
  • Seizures

If your Eckie is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, please seek veterinary assistance immediately. Don’t wait to see how they go. Parrots have lost their lives unnecessarily because people wait to see if the illness will get worse. Many illnesses can be overcome if detected and treated in the very early stages.

Eclectus care
We are dedicated to helping owners understand the importance of avian health. Our book ‘The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots’ contains extensive information about Eclectus health, emergency care and how to keep your Eckie healthy and safe in the home.

This chapter includes information on:

  • Household dangers
  • Weight checks
  • The Eclectus moult
  • The importance of flight
  • The importance of worming
  • Nail trimming
  • Eckie safe plants
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Emergency care
  • And many more topics!

To purchase our book click on the icon below!

Download on the iBookstoreWeb Eclectus book

Eclectus molting information

 Care for your Eclectus during their molt

Kirsten 068

After shivering through the cold winter months, Summer is finally here. It is a time for sunshine, weekend barbecues and relaxing by the pool. It is also the time when our Eckies begin to molt.

Parrot Haven is home to 25 Eckies and one precocious yet very special African Grey parrot and at the moment, all our feathered kids are molting. Our place is decorated with scatterings of feather casings, white fluffy down and the odd primary or two. The aviary is a variable smorgasbord of feathers, from tiny petite head feathers to beautiful tail plumage.

This happens twice year at Parrot Haven however the pre Christmas molt is always the heaviest. Molting can certainly take it’s toll on our parrots. I can only imagine how irritating it must be walking around like a pin cushion, as hundreds of new feathers erupt through the skin.

As parrot slaves, we must understand that molting affects our kids moods, dietary needs, appetite and even sleep patterns. It certainly takes a toll on our kids bodies and we must do all we can to ease our kids through this time.

What is molting?

Molting is a process where old feathers fall out and are replaced by new ones. Feathers are made from a protein called keratin, just like our hair and fingernails. Unlike skin, keratin is unable to repair itself. If a feather is damaged or frayed, it will remain that way until the parrot molts.

The importance of protein

When a parrot molts, protein is taken from the Eckie’s body. If a parrot is not provided with protein rich foods to supplement this output, their body will be depleted.

An Eckie suffering from protein deficiency will be tired, lethargic and irritable. It will prolong their molt and the newly molted feathers will look dull, lacking their trademark glossiness.

It is very important to feed your Eckie foods which are high in protein, such as:

  • Cooked meat and chicken
  • Boiled eggs (cooked right the way through)
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas)
  • Lentils and pulses
  • Chia
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet corn

Change in appetite

Molting affects our Eckies’ appetites. Some kids become ravenous eating machines, while others become very fussy eaters, craving certain foods and rejecting others. Monitor your Eckie’s appetite carefully when molting, and take note of specific foods they crave. Our feathered kids listen to their bodies, and will source foods that will help ease them through molting.


Molting can make the demurest of Eckies cranky and short tempered. Their body is working in overdrive to produce hundreds of pin feathers and many become irritable. Please, do not take this personally as many people have experienced this with their feathered kids.

My hen, Red, is terribly short tempered while molting. I know there is very little room for error and if I mis-read her body language, I will receive a nasty bite. As much as this hurts, I don’t take this personally. I know that once she has finished molting, she will return to her sweet self.

Everyone copes with their Eckie’s moods differently. Some ignore cranky behavior, leaving their kid alone until they are in a better frame of mind. Others distract their Eckie by offering a new toy or food treats.

Some Eckies become little sooks. They seek the love and comfort of their owner and demand cuddles and affection. This too is normal. Some of our hens seek extra cuddles while molting. Once they have molted their neediness reduces and their moods return to normal.

Aloe spritzes

Aloe spritzes help moisturize the skin, keeping it soft and supple. This allows the developing pinfeathers to break through the skin more easily. It is simple and cheap to make.

We buy 100% pure aloe gel from our local health food store. We then put 1 tablespoon of aloe into a spray bottle and fill it with a cup of warm water. Our kids love being misted by the warm, moisturizing water, and the aloe gives their feathers a spectacular sheen.

Some people choose to use a pre-mixed aloe drink. Please ensure there are no additives before using this.

Sleepy time kids

Molting takes its toll on our kids’ small bodies. It takes a lot of energy to grow hundreds of feathers, and our Eckies become tired and lethargic. Your Eckie’s sleep routine may change around molting time.  Many will take long catnaps during the day. Others will want to go to bed earlier, or sleep in. They need this extra sleep; it helps the body recuperate, so when playtime rolls around, they are re-energized and ready for fun.

Lots of extra love

Molting is a stressful time for our feathered kids. They feel itchy and out of sorts. Some kids become despondent when they molt. They know they look scruffy and it really upsets them. They are such sensitive little souls.

As devoted Eckie parents, we want to do everything we can to help our kids through this difficult time. So let’s give our molting kids an extra special treat to show them how much we care. It will make your Eckie feel very special.

For more information about the Eclectus Diet please visit our website

The Ultimate Guide to Eclectus Parrots contains 380+ pages of content dedicated to assisting owners care for their Eclectus.

It contains chapters on The Eclectus molt, diet, training, emergency care, bonding and much, much more

.Eclectus care

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Why the relationship between breeder and “aviary bird” matters

One of the things that really impressed me about Kirsten before coming to Australia was how involved she was with her breeding birds. As an Eclectus owner myself, I was always curious about what the parents of my Eckie hen was like. What kind of personality did they have? Were they quiet, curious or playful?

Unfortunately in the avicultural industry, it is a common belief that a breeder must not interact very much with their breeding parrots. “Feed them and leave them” was the phrase that I heard a lot. For other parrot species that may indeed be the case, however for Eclectus parrots Kirsten has proved otherwise.

Being a parrot lover, taking such a hands-off stance was something that Kirst could not do. Having raised her very first Eclectus pair (Red and Sprout), she was heavily involved in their everyday lives. They grew up in her home and she included them in many of her daily activities like cooking, cleaning and taking care of her son. To this day, Red still loves to be included when Kirst is preparing a meal – helping chop up fresh vegetables (taking small ‘tasting bites’) and talking extensively while we both work in the kitchen.

As she grew her Eckie flock, the routine stayed the same. Once they all had a large outdoor aviary to share she would spend a lot of time with them watching their personalities grow and seeing friendships and couples form. This became invaluable as they started breeding.

Having such a strong bond with her breeding Eclectus enabled Kirsten to know what personality traits her babies would develop

This insight helped Kirst to pair a baby with a client in a way that few other breeders have. During her interview process, Kirsten would try and understand what a potential client was like and what kind of baby they needed. If the individual was approved for one of her babies, then she could pair them up. Sometimes this process required the client to wait as much as a year before they could have a baby, but the results were worth it.

Our testimonials page is full of clients who have been matched perfectly with a baby Eclectus – because of the time Kirsten spent with her breeding kids.

This interaction has not inhibited their breeding. Red – one of our best breeders – often hatched and raised 3 babies at a time. All of her babies and in fact all of our babies raised here at Parrot Haven have always been extremely healthy with very strong personalities.

Kirsten has always believed that if her parrots were happy, then they would breed happy babies–and that has proved true every time

We have recently taken some video footage of us in our communal aviary which shows the kind of relationship that we have with our kids. Not only do they enjoy our interaction with them but sometimes it is difficult for us to leave as they simply will cling onto us and not want us to leave the flight!

Aviary Time from Parrot Haven on Vimeo.

Having this kind of bond with our parrots is absolutely heartwarming and we wouldn’t trade that for anything. Now that our kids are retired we’re able to enjoy a perfectly healthy ‘pet’ relationship with them because they have always been treated as members of our flock. This has helped their transition from breeding to pet happen seamlessly.

If you are looking to buy an Eclectus parrot – please do as much research as you can about any potential breeders you wish to purchase from. Not all breeders are the same and in our experience, many breeders can be downright deceitful. It is important to ask any potential breeder the kind of questions that will help you ascertain whether or not they are worth their salt as an aviculturist. If you have any hesitation about a breeder, then move on until you find the right one. When you do find a reputable breeder then spread the word. Once enough people start demanding better standards in the industry then the industry can make a change for the better!

From Breeding to Companion – Red’s Story

At the beginning of this year, Kirsten made the decision to give our breeding parrots a break from breeding. Some of our kids had been breeding for over a decade and while they’ve enjoyed some breaks throughout the years we felt that a longer term hiatus was needed.

Even before I became involved in the breeding side of Kirsten’s work, I was always amazed at the relationship she had with all of her breeding parrots. One of the things that fascinated me about her breeding technique was that it was ‘unconventional’ in the sense that she would interact with her breeding pairs. Because of this interaction, she knew each and every one of their unique personality traits. This in turn gave her the ability to match the personalities of their parrot babies with her approved clients.

Red was always one of our best breeders. She would consistently hatch and raise three Eclectus babies when she bred. After about 3-4 weeks she would tell Kirsten “I wanna come in for a shower”. This ‘call’ was Red’s way of telling Kirst that she was ready for her babies to be picked up and for Kirst to take over the rest.

Every time we pulled babies from her nest box, Red would always watch us while Sprout – ever so curious – couldn’t resist the urge to hop onto our shoulder and watch what we were doing close-up. Once we gently placed her babies into their mini carrier, we always showed Red that her babies were okay – and we always made it a point to thank her. We respect the work and effort that all of our breeding kids put forth.

We’ve never treated our breeding parrots like machines and we honestly believe that they can understand this.

When we pulled all of the nest boxes, the majority of the hens adjusted to this change quite easily. We stocked their flight with plenty of toys and fresh parrot-safe branches and they have been getting along quite happily.

Eclectus hen enjoys a snack of popcornRed on the other hand showed a great deal of interest in where ‘Mum & Dad’ lived and soon began lifting her foot up and looking up at the house when we would visit with the kids. We brought her a travel carrier which she stepped into quite happily and we brought her inside with us. Ever since then she has been an amazing pet. She helps Kirsten cook meals, prepare the fruit and veg that we feed the kids every day and she quite happily perches next to us when we work inside. She showers regularly with us and her vocabulary has grown amazingly!

So what makes all of this newsworthy? Red has been breeding for over 10 years. Typically when a breeding bird is retired, if they are sold as a companion parrot, the transition from ‘work’ to ‘play’ can be quite difficult for birds to adjust to. If the breeder has spent little time with their breeding parrots then suddenly being put into a situation where they are surrounded by people can be extremely difficult for them to handle.

Eclectus parrot henKirsten has tried very hard over the years to balance her breeding technique with an insight into what the parrots experience. Being empathic is a good way to live not just when it comes to human relationships. While her method may be non-traditional from a breeding standpoint, the results speak for themselves. We both have the most amazing companion parrot in part due to the way Kirsten has raised and cared for her all these years.

Red is just one story, but each of our kids has their own equally unique story. Our hope is that over time other breeders who share this same level of care for their birds will also enjoy the success we have.

Hand Raised Eclectus

Here at Parrot Haven we specialise in gorgeous hand raised Eclectus Parrots

With over 11 years experience specialising solely in Eclectus Parrots we take great pride in selling only the very best hand raised Eclectus available.

Hand Raised Eclectus
All of our Hand Raised Eclectus are given a great deal of love and affection

Hand Raised Eclectus
One of our Hand Raised Eclectus ‘Tilly’ enjoying nap time on the bed with mum
Hand Raised Eclectus
Everything tastes better when you eat it with your foot !
Hand Raised Eclectus
Zen loving her daily protein fix

Hand Raised Eclectus
Jellybean enjoying his new toy
Hand Raised Eclectus
Look mum, Im learning the alphabet !!

Hand Raised Eclectus
Lady and the tramp eat your hearts out

Hand Raised Eclectus
Da, na, na, na, na, na BATBIRD !!!
Hand Raised Eclectus
Errrr, you have a little something right there. .. .
Hand Raised Eclectus
Hand Raised Eclectus
Jellybean devouring the lamb bone

Hand Raised Eclectus
I reckon I can eat my weight in watermelon . . . .
Hand Raised Eclectus
Nothing better than a gourmet breakfast . .

Hand Raised Eclectus
Billy and Jez, enjoying their daily shower !

We pride ourselves on raising the most confident, healthy and happy companion Eclectus possible. We have been breeding Eclectus for over a decade and have carefully chosen our eccy pairs for their personality and temperament which is passed on to their babies. We take great pride and care in matching each of our babies with their perfect owners getting to know our clients before we choose their perfect feathered kid.

Take a look at our forum to see more photos of our Parrot Haven babies and learn what it is like to share your lives with these amazing parrots. If you are interested in becoming a Parrot Haven baby owner, feel free to email me and we can arrange a time to chat: info@

Hand Raised Pet Eclectus Parrots

Here at Parrot Haven we specialise in gorgeous hand raised Eclectus Parrots

With over 11 years experience specialising solely in Eclectus Parrots we take great pride in selling only the very best hand raised Eclectus available.

Hand Raised Eclectus

Hand Raised Eclectus

Hand Raised Eclectus

Hand Raised Eclectus

Hand Raised Eclectus

Hand Raised Eclectus

Parrot Haven kids sharing dinner time with Dad

We pride ourselves on raising the most confident, healthy and happy companion Eclectus possible. We have been breeding Eclectus for over a decade and have carefully chosen our eccy pairs for their personality and temperament which is passed on to their babies. We take great pride and care in matching each of our babies with their perfect owners getting to know our clients before we choose their perfect feathered kid.

Take a look at our forum to see more photos of our Parrot Haven babies and learn what it is like to share your lives with these amazing parrots. If you are interested in becoming a Parrot Haven baby owner, feel free to email me and we can arrange a time to chat: info@